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Latest Updates to Automation in 2021

Thu 11 Mar 2021

The ongoing pandemic has ushered momentous changes in the business environment. Well, automation has had brighter prospects with the pandemic. This post will evaluate the newer trends to watch in automation for the upcoming year.

  1. New automation techniques post COVID-19

The pandemic had imposed severe quarantine conditions that limited human-human interaction. Thereby, firms began to realize the ubiquitous benefits of implementing automation in their respective workplaces. Automation proved beneficial to firms that were looking for customer retention. In the pandemic scenario, touchless interactions between firms and clients became possible with automation.

  1. Reduced complexity

Many of the firms love to integrate automated concepts in their internal workflows. However, the sheer complexity of it dissuades them from completely adopting it. With automation becoming a normative concept in 2021, the complexity of automation is only expected to reduce.

  1. The simultaneous growth of automation and orchestration

The year is predicted to improve the cross-domain automated workflows of orchestration. Orchestration simply refers to the automated management, and configuration, applications, coordination of computer systems, and services.

  1. Matured tools for Kubernetes

Automated tools like Kubernetes will have more maturity due to the rising demands of automation. To put in more precisely, the deployment process of Kubernetes will have major changes.  

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