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iOS Mobile App Development Trends 2021

Tue 05 Oct 2021

The iOS development sphere is getting competitive with the influx of evolving technologies. Customer demands have also undergone huge transition where users are looking for efficient and user friendly applications. Here we compile a list of the recent trends that are to watch out for in the 2021 iOS application development.

1. Machine learning and AI

Artificial Intelligence and machine learning helps in the creation of iOS applications that are efficient, robust and engaging. Core ML framework helps iOS developers improve
user experience through image or text classification, speech or face recognition etc.

2. Wearable Apps

Wearable applications, particularly in the domain of healthcare and fitness, has taken the iOS industry quite by the storm. The pocket and mobility friendly devices has helped
users achieve fitness milestones or track health progress without an actual hospital visit.

3. Internet of Things

The prominence of IoT has improved the prospects of remote tasking during the pandemic. Future trends forecast a positive outlook for IoT where more applications with
competent frameworks will come into use.

4. Mobile Wallets

The dynamic ecommerce industry has prompted many users to rely on digital wallets. Recognizing the full swing of upcoming trends, iOS developers are on the pursuit of
developing wallets that can accord with the requirements of ecommerce users.