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Mon 20 Mar 2023

In software technologies, application stack development has taken an important juncture. Application stack development has undergone one of the greatest changes in the last decade. The web pages we see are made with frontend and back-end, which are developed by the software developers. To learn in-depth about the development areas of the web application, joining the best software training centre is pivotal. 

The front end comprises the visual data you see as a user, whereas the back end comprises server-side programming and the database. On top of it, the technology stack consists of a set of tools and frameworks to make good software that performs efficiently. As far as frontend frameworks go, MEAN uses Angular, while MERN uses React Js. For enterprise-level architectures, MEAN is more popular than MERN for smaller applications.

Learning MEA and MERN helps to have a successful career in IT and the best React training institute helps in the same. 

Here is a quick look at what is better for 2023! 

A Quick Look At  MEAN Stack 

  • MongoDB is used as the database
  • Express.js is used as the backend framework
  • Angular is used as the frontend framework
  • Node.js is used as the runtime environment

Advantages Of Using MEAN Stack 

  • Angular provides strong typing and robust tools for building large-scale applications
  • MongoDB is highly scalable and flexible
  • Node.js provides high performance and scalability
  • Mean stack is a complete solution for building full-stack web applications

Disadvantages Of Using Mean Stack 

  • Angular has a steep learning curve for beginners
  • MongoDB is less suitable for highly transactional systems
  • Mean stack requires knowledge of both Angular and Node.js, which can be challenging

A Quick Look At MERN Stack

  • MongoDB as the database
  • Express.js as the backend framework
  • React as the frontend framework
  • Node.js as the runtime environment

Advantages Of MERN Stack 

  • React is highly flexible and efficient for building user interfaces
  • MongoDB is highly scalable and flexible
  • Node.js provides high performance and scalability
  • Mern stack is a complete solution for building full-stack web applications

Disadvantages of MERN Stack 

  • React can be complex for beginners
  • MongoDB is less suitable for highly transactional systems
  • Mern stack requires knowledge of both React and Node.js, which can be challenging

In summary, Mean and Mern are viable options for building full-stack web applications in 2023. The choice between the two depends on your specific needs and preferences, your team’s experience and your skill set. To become an expert in Mean and Mern full stack, Join Srishti Campus, the best React training institute in India, for the best experience in learning the language.