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How to crack the code of PHP in an interview

Sat 11 Jun 2022
srishti campus How to crack the code of PHP in an interview  trivandrum

As a fresher with an engineering degree , understanding interview questions is quite critical. With many candidates attending interviews round the clock, the questions and strategies may vary every time. However, there are a certain set of ideas that never goes old. 

Let us dig into a few and understand how PHP interview questions are asked. 


  1. What is PHP? 


The full form of the acronym PHP was Personal Homepage. However, it is now called Hypertext Preprocessor. 7 popular versions of the language are widely used by many developers, with the first one being introduced 28 years ago. The latest addition has been the 8th version of 2022. 

It is basically an open-source service-side scripting language used for web development. On the other hand, PHP can also be used for general purposes for projects, including Graphical User Interfaces. 

If you are curious to comprehend more about the language, learning from a  PHP training centre can be helpful. 


  1. What is PEAR in PHP ? 


In PHP, PEAR stands for "PHP Extension and Application Repository," which is a framework as well as a repository used for all the reusable PHP components. A developer can get an end number of libraries and PHP code snippets by providing a greater level of programming for web developers. 


  1. How are static and dynamic websites different? 


The content of the script can be changed at the runtime on the dynamic websites. On the other hand, it cannot be changed after running the script on static websites. 

The content on the dynamic websites is regenerated every time. At the same time, nothing can be changed on static websites. 

To understand various aspects of the language, learn more from the best PHP training centre in Trivandrum


  1. Tell us PHP is case-sensitive. 


Partially, PHP can be considered a case-sensitive language, but the function names are not. Its user-defined operations are not case-sensitive. However, the rest of the language falls under the category of case-sensitive. 

Deep dive into knowledgeable sessions by Srishti Campus, the best PHP training centre in Trivandrum 


  1. Who is the founder of the language? 

PHP was founded by Rasmus Lerdorf. He is also known as the father of PHP. 


  1. Can you name some popular frameworks of PHP ? 


Some of the commonly used and popular frameworks of PHP are Codelgniter, Yii 2, Symfony, CakePHP, FuelPHP etc. 

You can also enrol to our online PHP training sessions to get the industrial approach and exposure towards software technologies.

Top 10 Advanced Java Interview Questions

Mon 23 May 2022
srishti campus Top 10 Advanced Java Interview Questions  trivandrum

In the tech universe, knowing almost all the necessary scripts is an advantage. One of the essential languages to get hold of is Java, a programming language and computing platform released in 1995 by Sun Microsystems. 

Twenty-five years of its existence has only strengthened its prominence in the programming arena. Today, it is used by nearly more than ten million developers across the globe. Hence, learning Java is worth every minute. Srishti Campus is the best Java Training Centre in Trivandrum, Kerala


Here are top-ten advanced java interview questions that can help you land the job of your choice. 

  1. What all platforms does Java support? 

It is a fundamental question that can be asked at every interview panel. Java is a language that runs on many platforms. The popular platforms that support Java include Windows, Mac OS, Linux UNIX, etc.  


  1. What exactly is Reflection? Explain with its uses. 

Java reflections are the runtime API used to inspect and change the behaviour of interfaces, methods, and classes. They help the user to make new objects, get field values, and call methods. It also analyzes classes, fields, interfaces, and methods in runtime. Reflection can also be used by debuggers to examine private members of classes. To learn more about such questions, Srishti Campus is the best online java training centre


  1. Why is Java an independent platform? 

Java is an independent platform because of its ability to run anywhere. In other words, the bytecodes can run on any system despite its underlying operations. Java Training Institution can help aspiring candidates learn more about the program


  1. What are Daemon Threads in Java? 

They are typically like service providers for other threads or objects running as daemon threads. Their importance arises when normal threads are executed, and the threads are otherwise used for background supporting tasks. 


  1. What is singleton? 

It is a class which permits only a single instance of itself to be created by giving access for its creation. It is primarily used when a user limits instantiation of classes to one subject. It also contains private and unique instances. It can be of immense help when a single object needs to coordinate actions across the system. 


  1. What is Java Servlet? 

The Java Servlet is a server-side technology designed to facilitate the extension of web servers by providing dynamic response and data persistence.


  1. Why is Java not Object Oriented? 

Java is the language that uses eight primitive data types ranging from char, int, char, boolean, float, short, double, long, and byte, and these are not objects. 


  1. What does Java Bean mean? 

Beans comprise the cardinal scope of the spring framework. It is managed by the Spring IOC container. 

  1. How is equals () different from = = in Java? 

The Object class in Java defines the Equals() method for comparing two objects defined by business logic. "Equal" or "= ="  is a binary operator provided by Java and used to compare primitives and objects. The implementation at the default stage uses the = = operator for the comparison of two objects. 


  1. What does multiple inheritance mean?                                                                                                                                                                                          As the name goes, it is a process by which multiple parent class properties are inherited by a child class. It is also known as the diamond problem and is, however, supported by Java.


Srishti Campus provides the best Java training in Trivandrum. Our world-class Java Training will help you to become a Java expert. We offer them the most credible placement assistance and certification guidance for java training in Trivandrum. inter is one of the reputed institutions providing the most competitive learning in Java and other technical courses. We offer the best curriculum prepared through proper research by experts. Become a certified Java Developer with our unique course!!

How to learn Python in your coffee break

Fri 13 May 2022
srishti campus How to learn Python in your coffee break  trivandrum

Coffee breaks and learning python might not sound like a piece of cake, but what if we knock on the doors of possibilities? Python is beyond dispute one of the most sought-after languages in demand. Because of its ability to create advanced machine learning algorithms, knowledge in this language can easily land one in a great career.  

Let's break the ice here and learn the duration one needs to understand Python. 

Coming straight to the fact, Python can be learned fast during your daily coffee breaks, but practice is the key. An investment of good two weeks can help you gain expertise in the language. However, spotting the right learning center over your comfort is one of the significant factors in making it happen. Srishti Campus is the best Python training centre to assist your dreamHere are some quick tips to help you learn the language more efficiently

Write and Code Everyday

Consistency, like in any other learning process, is the key here. Practising and coding every day is going to fasten the process of understanding Python. A sincere commitment to everyday coding will ease the way out and help develop good strong muscle memory. Twenty minutes during the coffee session is enough to start the game. In the journey of becoming a programmer, it is also essential to not forget to write down notes.Getting enrolled in a Python training centre also helps in many ways. It is a learning process involving memory and the notes come handy. 

Calm Weekend Mornings are the Best

To get the extra attention with your morning coffee, a dedicated practice in Python can help to up the learning. In fact, giving twenty to thirty minutes every morning can make a huge difference from those weekly classes. 

Check Important Variables

To get expertise in the language, learning a few variables will be beneficial. Once these concepts are understood, learning through python will be a smooth ride. Some of the essential fundamentals to be kept in mind are list, dictionaries, sets, functions, basic string operations, conditions, loops, classes, objects, comprehensions, variables, and types. 


Read Books on Python

Coffee and books are a match made in heaven. Scrolling through digital information in Python is one good step toward learning the language. Referring to the notes provided by your Python classes is another way, as they are mostly tailor-made for proper use. The notes and copies from your Python training classes could level up the process. 

Get Python Editors 

The ideal way to test your skill is to install an Integrated Development Environment (IDE), which allows the user to test, script, and even run the codes in Python. As per the internet, the popular and free Python editors or IDEs are Spyder, Visual Studio, Atom, and, PyCharm. Not only that, there are many Python training centres that could help you in becoming an expert in the language. 

Give Yourself a Break

Whilst learning something new, it is not ideal to bombard yourself with screen time and books all time. Therefore, breaks are equally essential to know things accordingly. Taking short breaks amidst your daily routine and classes can help your brain reset and come back enthusiastically. In coding, it is crucial to follow the rules of logic and language as it is. Therefore, having active eyes is undoubtedly advantageous to speed up the process.


Top 10 New Features & Updates of Angular 12

Fri 06 May 2022
srishti campus Top 10 New Features & Updates of Angular 12  trivandrum

Angular 12 is now added in the latest addition to Google's popular TypeScript. Released in May of 2021, the framework comes with many extras like bug fixes, performance improvement, and features. As a learner of the Angular framework, staying updated with all the latest additions is vital.

Srishti Campus is the best Angular training center. 

Hop into the ten latest additions to Angular 12 to keep abreast of the add-ons 

Towards Ivy

The Angular team had consistently worked on the objective of integrating the Angular ecosystem on Ivy. The current libraries will be working on the Ivy app by depreciating the old View Engine. The library authors will now be working on moving towards Ivy to keep up.

To have a comprehensive understanding, Srishti Campus is the best training center.  

Uncertain Protractor 

There are speculations about not involving Protractor in the upcoming projects by the team. Currently, the feedback is under trial in the RFC. However, the community is working on exploring popular third party solutions available in Angular CLI. At present, the community of developers are working with Cypress, TestCafe, and Webdrive for elective solutions. 

Nullish Coelsing 

For writing a cleaner code, the nullish coalescing operator has been in the league for some time. Updating the Angular applications now helps simplify the process of conditional statements. 

Here's how the new update makes coding easier: 

{{age !== null && age !== undefined ? age : calculateAge() }} 

{{age ?? calculateAge() }}


TypeScript 4.2

Several updates have been made for Angular 12, including improvements in type alias, abstract classes, tuple types, and operators. No important variables or information will appear randomly by improving the in-operator. Infact, the improved version returns valid handles and suitable types, thereby lessening the errors and repetition. 

New Styling 

Along with the several changes made in the styling, the support for inline SaaS in the style field and component decorators is significant. Moreover, a brand new SaaS model has been adopted by Angular Material and CDK.

Tailwind CSS's support is also made by this version of Angular, given its development and popularity in the Tailwind community. 

A Strict Module 

Enabling the strict mode by default in CLI has added another feature. With this, catching bugs and better maintenance becomes more manageable. Application examinations are also made way quicker than before with the update. 

New Dev Tools 

Access to Angular Dev Tools was enabled after the release of Angular 12. After every preview, the embedded profiler can now capture the changed detection. It can be later monitored to figure out the delay detection cycle. 

A New Learning Experience

With the aim of improving the learning experience of developers, Angular 12 has also brought some crucial changes for an improved learning experience. This can be noticed in the Angular 12 documentation with a content projection guide. 

Along with it, the contributors guide will also aid the developers in elevating the basic understanding of a project documentation. A few useful tips and guides on debugging have also been shared. 

A change from the i18n framework 

The message-id designs were used in the i18n framework. However, this thought could be put on hold. Angular 12 has added a new and improved intuitive ID format that decreases the cost of invalidation and retranslation. The belated design is comparatively complex yet natural. 


Inbuilt Production Build 

Presently, the ng build command comes with improved results. However, in the new Angular 12, the production build will come by default

Srishti campus provides the best angular training in Trivandrum


Angular Interview Questions

Fri 29 Apr 2022
srishti campus Angular Interview Questions trivandrum

Jobs in IT are always in demand and yet can become a tough nut to crack without concrete understanding. Expanding the gamut of mastery becomes equally significant with the engineering degree in hand for that dream job. 

Working on learning the Angular framework can be one such gateway to reaching the coding eclipse. However, finding and learning from the Angular training centre whilst preparing for the interview is no mean feat. Infact, the best angular training centre can pave the way for all these hurdles. Srishti Campus is the best Angular training centre in Trivandrum.

A successful job from learning the angular framework  kickstarts a great career. The industry looks for candidates who could crack a set of questions often asked in the interviews. 

Here are the top ten angular interview questions often asked during those testing segments.  

  1. What is Angular ?

As basic as it sounds, the interviewer might start from scratch. As explained earlier, Angular is another popular JavaScript framework developed by Google. Introduced to create Single page applications, it brings format and consistency to applications by delivering exceptional maintainability and scalability.

  1. What is a TypeScript? 

A superset of JavaScript, it is the most recommended program because it delivers some syntactic sugar by making the codebase easy to comprehend and maintain. 

  1. What purpose does Angular serve? 

The primary objective of using Angular is to create quick and scalable web applications as they can be easily made with the framework's components and commands. The program provides a space for developing web-based applications and qualifies developers to organise multi-platform applications. 


  1. What are the major differences between AngularJS and Angular? 

One of the major distinctions between AngularJS and Angular is the script. The former uses JavaScript as its language, whereas the latter is  TypeScript. 


AngularJS has a bunch of directives, making it different from Angular, which only has a standard directive. 

AngularJS comes with a model-view-controller (MVC) that manages the logic, data, and rules and expresses how the applications behave. The view ideally develops the output only after reviewing the information in the model. This model is where the management of every data is safely stored. Later, the controller receives input and converts its commands by sending them to the model and view. 

However, on the other hand, the components used by Angular are directives with templates. The two kinds of directives used by this framework are structural and attribute directives. 


Angular supports mobile while AngularJS doesn't. 

With time-saving attributes and easy accessibility, Angular uses Command Line Interface (CLI) for project building. However, Angular is supported by IDE and Webstorm, and JavaScript tools to test errors and build the application. 


  1. What technologies does Angular use? 

Being developed and created by Google, the Angular framework has several technologies for better performance of tasks and great experience. TypeScript and RxJS are some of the attributes the framework uses for detecting bugs and dealing with asynchronous operations. 


  1. What is Angular primarily used for? 

It is typically used for the development of Single Page Applications or SPA. Its interesting features, including type safety, modular CI, and built-in data streaming, make it a complete web framework. 


  1. What are Single Page Applications? 

Single Page Applications are web applications that load only a single web document and not the new HTM pages to display the new page’s content. The page later updates the body content through frameworks like JavaScript. The Single Page Applications for SPA method is always the fastest and most efficient proven methodology for smoother user experience. 


  1. What are the major advantages of the Angular framework? 

The angular framework comprises various patterns like pipes, services, directives, etc, that help with the easy development and applications. The presence of an MVC framework gives a set of ideas on the application structure. Static and Angular templates are supported and users have the liberty to add a custom device if needed. The dependency injections can help and quickly work around the dependent components. 


  1. What are Angular expressions? 

  The expressions of Angular code snippets are used to tie application data to HTML. They are written in double braces, similar to JavaScript. 

Syntax: {{ expression }} 


  1. What are templates in Angular? 

The templates of Angular are written along with the HTML with Angular- specific elements and features. These components are used to provide a seamless and dynamic view to the users. Apart from that, the templates are also combined with the model and controller’s information.